
Aula Mater


The Azienda Agricola e Acetaia Aula Mater was born many years ago from the passion of the Gabrielli family. Farmers for generations and historical producers and members of the Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena P.D.O.

The care of the land, respect for the tradition, knowledge handed down from father to son and patience, are some of the fundamental elements to carry on the noble craft of the conductor of vinegar.

The master vinegar makers is the guarantor of a complex wisdom. His is a competence that is not formed in classrooms, but in the penumbra of the attic, and to refine a sincere passion is essential.

The master baker takes care of and follows the whole production process of Balsamic Vinegar, using the oldest instruments, together with the most modern ones, with the measured skill of a conductor.

Balsamic Vinegar


The Traditional represents the highest expression of the entire world of Balsamic Vinegars. It is obtained alone cooked grape must and is aged for a long time with the ancient system of Rincalzi and Travasi in ancient batteries composed of barrels of different woods.

A gestation that requires decades and that is accomplished thanks to particular climatic conditions, and to the wisdom of the man who has learned to govern it. The protagonists of this story are elements of nature and artifacts, all intrinsically linked to the territory. Vineyards, woods, temperatures, humidity, bacteria and yeasts, but also artisans and master vinegar makers, each actor contributes to create the Balsamic Vinegar.
Everything is natural, nothing is left to chance.

Traditional Balsamic
Vinegar of Modena P.D.O.

and Raw Must

ABTM grapes


For any information contact us at one of our addresses. Alternatively, visit the dedicated page.

Via Bosco 39, 41036 Medolla (MO)


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